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Because Literature is Art
Years Ago
854 Watchers



610 deviations

Fathers and Sons

Virgil sighed as he dragged himself into the house. It was late but the next day was Saturday so he could nurse his new injuries in the peace of his own home rather than trying to navigate school while hurting this bad. The door is gently removed from his hand, and he looks up to see his father standing there. Virgil didn't resist when Robert grabbed him and helped him into the house. Robert had seen the breaking news report and saw the battle Static had gotten into with the meta breed. He knew his son would be injured and in pain when he got home so, instead of going to bed he waited up for Virgil to arrive. If he couldn't keep his son out of the fights he could at least be there to tend to him after. He wasn't sure how much time passed between the report and Virgil dragging himself into the house exhausted and injured. It had felt like hours but when Robert looked at the clock later it would have actually only been about an hour and a half. "Pops…" Virgil said his voice tight

Fan Fiction

1301 deviations

Baby Don't cry EXO (Lay X Mermaid Reader)

 It’s been a year already. I hope you are living well in the ocean. Every evening during the sunset, I will always come to the beach. Sometime with my group member but mostly myself alone. The waves crashing by the nearby rocks remind me of your long beautiful wavy hair and your white shiny fish tail of yours. Yes, you are a mermaid and one of the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my whole live and it’s hard for me to forget. I remember the time we first meet; I was with my other 11 member after we did our dance practice called ‘Growl’… Yes, my name is Lay from EXO member. It was been a week after we had f

French Lit

52 deviations

Lengthy Works

635 deviations

Controlled Burns or Fire-Storm

Living in California is not without a price, Nothing ever is. One must pay a price of wildfires and drought, Two cyclical forces natural to the ecology. Controlled burning that would stop fire-storms, Too many people live in a place And a controlled fire cannot cleanse it; people Would raise complaints that it’s not safe. Thickets and ditches, they’re thick with dead plants, Dead trees impeding saplings, But there are too many residents who won’t tolerate it; That would threaten houses and countryside. It’s either controlled burning close to houses Or disastrous fire-storms. There’s always a price, a difficult choice to negotiate, Timely negotiation is urgent to us now. Loisgeamh Stamhanta No Doineann-Teine Cha thig còmhnaidh air California gun fhiach, ˆ-ˆ--ˆ-ˆ--ˆ- Cha thig gnothach lurach sam bith. ˆ-ˆ-ˆ-ˆ- Feumaimh neach pàigheamh fiach leis an roidean ‘s tart, ˆ--ˆ-ˆ-ˆ-ˆ-- Dith’s neart cuairteach dùth don àrainn. Loisgeamh stamhanta gum bacamh doineannan-teine, Tha cus


210 deviations

Mature Content OF ANY KIND

372 deviations


Other Short Prose

707 deviations


WINTER SONNET Fragrant blossom withers in frozen ground, Dry leaves dance gayly in the icy breeze, Abandoning their homes in naked trees. Then, snow comes drifting from skies with no sound. Excited eyes and cherub cheeks of rose, Greet the frosty days with romp and laughter. Days are magical forever after, When angel’s wings appear in fallen snows. Child like revelry possesses the world, As trails wind merrily down rolling hill. The constant sun smiles warm and bright until, It makes way for new moon to shine, like pearl. Special warmth wraps us with loving embrace. Winter, fill our eager hearts with your grace.


4182 deviations

Short Stories

770 deviations

Karbernske lesy

„Koho chytrí nápad to bol, liezť do hôr v takomto počasí?! Začínam mať pocit že mi z rúk steká koža." Zavrčal Seth nervóznych hlasom. Takto si svoj výlet v horách vôbec nepredstavoval. „  Toto je naozaj úžase. Sme stratený uprostred množstva stromov a bodľavých kriakov niekde v močiaroch Karbernskych krajov. Míle od civilizácie, zaživa žraný neznámym hmyzom vo veľkosti pivových fliaš. Čo sa tu ešte môže posrať!" „Prestaň kňu&#

Slovak Lit

3 deviations

Capitulo XXI:Quinta abertura, El Capitan Greenskin

En el capitulo anterior de…Las Crónicas de Azeroth… “¡Resiste!”. El brujo exclamo mientras trata de acumular immolate en sus manos para luego expulsarlos, “Searing Pain” Por suerte ambos searing pain logran quemar por completo a los golems y Esmeralda se cura así misma con algunos renew. “¿No puedes *Cough* invocar otra vez a Sarnak?”. La sacerdotisa pregunto. Ambos escucharon las cargas de los rifles goblins. “Me queda solo un soul shard, solo me queda un poco de mana y si lo invoco al instante no resistirá por mucho tiempo”. El brujo respondió con

Spanish Lit

60 deviations
Princess kunoichi

Word Art

128 deviations

The Best Story EVER

"Jeff! Jeff! Jeff!" the irritating voice permeated Jeff's consciousness on the edge of wakefulness with a grating edge and he grumbled noisily, turning his back on his companion in an attempt to discourage further attempts to rouse him from his slumber. "Jeff! Jeff!! Wake up Jeff! Come onnnn!" Realising there was no stopping the barrage of chatter; Jeff prised his eyes open and turned back to face the onslaught. "Ok, ok, I'm up, I'm up, what is it?" he grumbled, glaring at the figure silhouetted in the tower's doorway. "Rita has something to tell us, come on Jeff! We have to go and see! Rita sees everything you know, she's really clever,

First Official Contest

4 deviations

Multiple Per'season'alities

You are Spring, You bloom like a flower in such soul renewing weather, You are like a cool breeze in my hair, But you are unpredictable like a tornado. I am Summer, I come around in heat waves, I have a hot temper, But I have a heart full passion. He is Autumn, He is starting to introvert and his personality has become melancholy, He is dying, But he looks so beautiful in orange, brown, and red. She is Winter, Her heart is cold, Her touch is freezing, And she walks alone in a barren wasteland. These are people that I know, He is me, She is him, And I am the seasons.

The Seasons Contest

4 deviations